Each ml Contains :
Phenoxy-2 Methyl-2 Propionic .100 mg
Phenoxy-2 Methyl-2 Propionic Acid
Each ml contains:
Phenoxy-2 Methyl-2 Propionic Acid
Product complies with Baariq Specifications:
-100 mg
Cattle, Sheep & Goat: Hepatic Failure, Indigestion,
Acetonemia, In-appetence, Bloat, Alimentary toxicosis,
Rumen impaction, Dyspepsia with Meteorism, Ketosis,
as an adjuvant therapy during treatment of liver
fluke diseases.
Horses: Liver disorders due to imbalanced feed, hepatic
failure due to Piroplasmosis and leptospirosis.
Dogs: Jaundice, hepatic failure, as an adjuvant therapy in
the treatment of Leptospirosis and Canine Distemper.
Administer the following dose by deep intra-muscular, intra-
peritoneal route or slow intra-venous route. The dose
can be repeated after every 24 hours according to
veterinarian advice.
Cow/Cattle/Horses : 10ml per 100kg body weight.
Sheep/Goat/Dogs : 1ml per 10kg body weight.
Do not mix with solutions containing calcium salts.
Store below 25°C in a cool and dry place.