Each 1000gm BPS-Plus Powder Contains:
- Colistin Sulphate (BP) 60 MIU
- Zinc Bacitracin 52 gm
- Streptomycin Sulphate (BP) 36 gm
- Procaine Penicillin (BP) 12 gm
- Product Complies with Baariq Specifications
INDICATIONS: BPS-Plus Powder is an effective growth promoter which improves feed efficiency. Increasingly maintaining higher eggs production. Prevents early mortality & morbidity. Prevents from diseases during the period of stress.
- For increase of weight gain & improves feed efficiency: 500 gm to 1kg per ton of feed continuously.
- For increasingly maintaining of eggs production & hatchability: 1kg to 2kg per ton of feed continuously.
- For prevention of disease during period of stress: 2.5kg to 5kg per ton of feed for 3-5 days when disease occurs or until symptoms disappear.
- Store in a cool, dry and dark place.
- Keep away from the reach of children.
- Protect from direct sunlight.
For better results, use medicine as per recommended dose.